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Social security
Cost of living

Helping people access the benefits and support they need

Social investment enabled Lightning Reach to help more people access benefits and discretionary support schemes.

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People struggle to access benefits and financial support

More than 17 million people in the UK are currently facing financial hardship, yet there is over £19 billion in unclaimed annual benefits and grant funding available in the UK. The funding is available across a complex web of government benefits and discretionary support schemes that are poorly advertised and difficult for individuals to navigate.

Lightning Reach helps people navigate the system

Lightning Reach offers a financial support portal which seamlessly connects people in financial hardship to the support they need. Lightning Reach simplifies access across the complex ecosystem of grants, benefits, help with household bills and other vital resources for individuals and families in need. The portal is also used by funders such as charities and local councils to streamline their administration processes, and by responsible organisations (such as banks, utilities, housing providers) seeking to support vulnerable clients. The platform was developed collaboratively with a cross-sector group of organisations and individuals with lived experience of financial hardship.

Helping to target and reach customers more effectively

Lightning Reach has grown its team and built capacity to onboard more client organisations and support schemes, and ultimately facilitate more grants and support to people in financially vulnerable situations. The investment has also enabled further product development. By adding new features to the portal and enhancing the offering, Lightning Reach are now able to target larger potential customers more effectively.

JRF’s investment: £100,000 equity investment completed in 2023.

Ren Yi Hooi, Founder and CEO of Lightning Reach said:

“We’re grateful to have support from JRF, who are very much aligned to our purpose at Lightning Reach with their mission to end poverty in the UK. The social investment has enabled us to scale our work and impact, reaching over 100,000 registered users and facilitating over £10 million in grants through the cost of living crisis (double since the investment last year)."

Discover more about social investment at JRF.

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