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Investing in a model that values our carers

Social investment is helping BelleVie's model of home care services empower more care workers to provide outstanding support across the UK.

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Underpaid and undervalued: a systemic challenge

For too long jobs in the care sector have been underpaid and undervalued. Few providers are accredited Living Wage Employers and opportunities for training, progression and responsibility are limited. All this contributes to dissatisfaction and high rates of turnover among frontline workers, with spill-over effects on the availability and quality of care. In 2022/23, vacancies in at-home care were at 12.8% against a context of a care worker turnover rate of 36%, which equates to 134,000 home care workers leaving their roles in the previous year.

Team model that's making a difference

BelleVie has adopted a self-managing team approach inspired by the Dutch Buurtzorg model. This model empowers home care workers by affording them greater flexibility and control in their roles and gives them the autonomy to decide how best to care for each person they support. The organisation is also an accredited Living Wage Employer, paying colleagues for full shifts, including time spent on travel, admin and gaps between visits. This approach ensures that care workers are not only compensated fairly but also experience improved job satisfaction and wellbeing. This is reflected in an employee net promoter score of +60% in 2024, much higher than the sector average of 14%. This leads to better care for people needing support and a higher rate of staff retention. BelleVie ensures that their teams can provide consistent, compassionate support while feeling valued and fulfilled in their roles.

Investment scales up the model's benefits

BelleVie has further developed its tech platform and doubled the number of counties that its self-managing team model of home care services operates in. This scales up BelleVie’s impact by increasing the number of employees experiencing better wellbeing and financial outcomes. Scaling also has the potential to catalyse systemic change by demonstrating to commissioners and other providers what is possible in this sector.

JRF’s investment: £400,000 equity investment, across 2 funding rounds completed in 2022 and 2023.

Dr Trudie Fell, CEO and Founder of BelleVie said:

“BelleVie’s vision is to build a society where every member of the care ecosystem is valued and supported. Social investment from JRF, and similarly minded impact investors, has allowed us to grow without compromising on our purpose. As well as the financial support, JRF’s connections and firm belief in our mission have been a huge support.”

Discover more about social investment at JRF.

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