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Lending a hand: The value of 'light touch' support in empowering communities

An interim evaluation of the JRF’s Neighbourhood Programme.

Written by:
Marilyn Taylor, Mandy Wilson, Pete Wilde, Derrick Purdue
Date published:

In January 2003, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation launched its Neighbourhood Programme. A new departure for the Foundation, this sought to support community empowerment not through a major funding programme but through ‘light touch’ support and networking. The Programme – which works with 20 groups and projects at neighbourhood level and covers England, Scotland and Wales – will continue until June 2006. This summary has been written by the team evaluating the Programme and highlights the lessons so far. The findings include lessons for a wider audience of residents, neighbourhood practitioners and policy makers at local, regional and national levels. A related summary, Evaluating community projects: A practical guide is also available.


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