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White flowers growing on a residential estate.


We fund and work in partnership with a range of organisations, collectives and individuals in pursuit of our mission.

Our current approach to funding

JRF’s external grants are largely tied to specific projects under our 3 pathways of change. In 2025 we want to make more unrestricted grants, putting an additional £50 million to £100 million behind our mission-focused work over the coming 5-10 years.

Most of our funding is by invitation but we occasionally issue calls for proposals below.

Call for proposals: Self-contained food and drink provision in Homestead Park (2025-2028)

JRF is inviting proposals to help us improve the food and drink provision available in the park.

License terms

The agreement will take the form of a license to occupy and trade within the park grounds. The license will be in place annually from May - May (exact trading dates and hours to be determined with the successful applicant).

We will require a peppercorn rent of £1 per year for the use of the licensed space. The successful applicant will be required to pay a fee of up to £500 per year for the disposal of any non-biodegradable waste they produce, including recyclables. Water and electricity will be charged at cost.

Ready to apply?

Download the full brief here (PDF). Applications must be submitted by 5pm on Monday 7 April 2025.

If you have questions, please contact our community engagement team at