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Imagination infrastructures

Imagination Infrastructuring no. 002: A Time between Worlds

A follow-up to the 2021 event.


Towards the end of 2022 Cassie wrote an update blog on all the work that JRF is committing to in relation to growing imagination infrastructures - and the field and practices of collective imagination. Part of this work is to keep noticing the edges of new practice and ensure that all of us working in the field stay alive to where to expand and deepen the work. The Imagination Infrastructures event is one way we all hope to do this.

Early last Autumn we were invited to start co-curating the event as a follow-up to the 2021 event ‘Imagination Infrastructure’ - a one-day, online event that had 900 people attend from across the globe. We were given a mini brief and an almost-blank sheet of paper, and it’s been great fun to draw together what we hope is a rich and thought-provoking programme.

Themes in this year's event were

  • The Unimaginable
  • The Ecological Imagination
  • Civic and Political Imagination and an exploration into the fields of Possibility Studies and the Pluriverse.
Volunteers tidying a school garden.

This event is part of the imagination infrastructures topic.

Find out more about our work in this area.

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