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UK Poverty 2024 launch webinar

Our event to hear the latest findings of JRF’s flagship annual report, UK Poverty 2024.


Online (Zoom)

This webinar marked a pivotal moment as we launched the final UK Poverty report before the coming general election. We looked at key findings from the report and got insight from some expert speakers on the state of poverty in the UK. 

What is the UK Poverty report?

The UK Poverty report looks across a range of data sources and published insights to set out a comprehensive picture of the current state of poverty in the UK. The report determines who is worst affected, how poverty levels vary across demographics, how levels have changed over time and what the future prospects are likely to be.

Chair and speakers

Who was this event for? 

This event was aimed at anyone passionate about tackling poverty, including: 

  • advocates for social change
  • policymakers
  • social and economic researchers and academics
  • community leaders.